Monday 7 March 2011

Family Home Evening - Baptism

Opening Song:Baptism Childrens Song Book Page 100

Opening Prayer:

Lesson Mommy:

Print the letters: B A P T I S M

Use these letters to talk about baptism. For younger children, talk about each letter and let them tape it on the wall. For older children, give them the letter and have them tell all they know about what is written on it, and what it has to do with baptism, for example, "P" - partaking of the sacrament - is what we do to renew our baptismal covenants.

You may want to put them up in a different order, depending on the topic you want to talk about first. You may want to use the "B" first or last though, so you can introduce or conclude with "Baptism".

Ask the children if they know anyone who has been baptised. Talk to the children about your baptism how you felt when you were baptised.

Tell the children that Jesus was baptised. Ask them why they think Jesus was baptised and explain how Jesus had to be baptised to set the example for us. Just like when we are baptised we set the example for others.

Bear your testimony of Baptism to the children and the importance of it.

1 comment:

Our Loved-up Family said...

I love this lesson Alisha!. Don't you just love these video clips:)