Some of you may have noticed that I have a
NEW BLOG DESIGN!! What's that you say? You didnt notice ;) Well how could you not? I personally think its
BEAUTIFUL!! But I am a little biased. I just wanted to give a shout out to
Tiffini Howard from
That Blog Place. She is flippin
A-Maze-Ing! I mean look at this site. Its so lovely! She did a fantastic job!! Not only has she done a brilliant job on my site but they have done loads of other sites to. If you are looking for a redesign have a look at their website
HERE! They have so many fantastic Free Backgrounds. They also do Custom Design, like this one, for those of you who are interested too. Here are a few of my favorite
Free Backgrounds from their site:

Lovely huh!! So head on over to their site have a look around and once you find just the perfect background, oh trust me you will, then give your a site a facelift.
1 comment:
Thanks Alisha you're the best, happy to help!
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