Friday, 4 May 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week Printable

Next week is Teacher Appreciation week at my 8 year olds school. Each day the children are supposed to take a different kind of item for their teacher. Monday they are to take in some kind of poem or art creation. So I made this little printable which I will frame and have my daughter take with her.

I have some ideas for the other days I just haven't gotten around to making them yet. But I will post those as the week goes by too. If you can use this please feel free to its a size 8x10 but you can shrink it down to whatever size you would like :)

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Pretty Storage Boxes

So my husband and I are still in the process of decorating and furnishing our home. When we moved to Texas from England we literally brought 3 suitcases with us and sent two small boxes with a few misc. items. When we got here we bought all the essentials and have since been buying a few bits and bobs. A couple weeks ago we bought an entertainment center from Ikea. I love Ikea. This entertainment center has four cubby holes down the left side and 4 cubby holes along the bottom. I was able to fill all but two of the cubby holes and really needed them to be filled cause it was driving me insane having them empty. So I got onto pintrest and came across these really cute nappie (diaper) boxes which has been covered with material. I knew straight away that this was what I wanted to do. So here is what I made:

I kind of have a purple theme going on in our living room. I am not sure why I just really liked it with the black so it stuck. Here is a link to the site where I found the idea. I really didn't follow her tutorial just because it was so simple to do. But if you need a tutorial she has a great one. Happy Crafting!